Well, everyone, here we are at last, the final project. Working on this has been a lot of fun, but it has definitely not been without its challenges. Check out my repository here! https://github.com/zdsmit/Bandroom-frontend
It’s been a rough few months dealing with the COVID situation for everyone. I’m no exception, and things have certainly slowed down a bit, so I hope everyone is doing okay! However, though it’s taken a while, I have really enjoyed working on this project.
As another module comes to an end, the time has come to reflect on my third portfolio project. This one was quite a challenge for me, but overall, I believe I found it more approachable than my Sinatra project. I spent a lot of time on this, both in planning and development, and I learned a lot of things along the way that I’d like to talk about.
Right before Christmas is hardly the ideal time to begin working on a new portfolio project, but that was the hand I was dealt with my Sinatra project, and so I got to work. It was difficult working on it during the craziness of the holidays, but from doing so I gained one valuable piece of advice: take it at your own pace! Many times I only managed to work for an hour or so a day. Others, I could sit down and work all day. But once I accepted that some days would move faster than others, I gained a lot more peace of mind in my work.
Hi there, everyone! It’s been a long road, but at long last I have arrived at my first portfolio project, the CLI Data Gem Project! It’s been a struggle in recent months to keep up with the coursework consistently due to moving. But I’m happy to say I’m still on schedule (for now, at least), and things have settled down now, so time to get to work! Anyway, I want to take advantage of this blog post to detail the process I will be going through in order to construct my project.